I`m a Soulman - A tribute to the Blues Brothers

05.-07. MAI 2022


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"I'm a Soul Man" A tribute to the Blues Brothers


This musical comedy show "I'm a Soul Man" A Tribute to the Blues Brothers is based on the cult films "The Blues Brothers" and "Blues Brothers 2000". It offers a lot of action, humor and above all, a lot of music with all the hits from "Everybody Needs Somebody To Love", to "Soul Man" - presented by the fast-paced duo Chris and Geoff Dahl as the iconic characters Jake and Elwood. Black suits, black hats and black sunglasses - the two Canadian artists, who are visually down to the smallest detail, but musically they are in no way worse than the real music legends. In the two hour long live show, the Dahl brothers can demonstrate all their skills as gifted singers and musicians. On stage with them they have a live band and amazing dancers. The show becomes a concert at the highest level. As in the film, the show features guest appearances by legendary soul musicians such as "Aretha Franklin". Blues fans can also look forward to many more well-known scenes from the cult films. The idea to bring their own show on stage with the Dahl brothers arose as a result of the audience's positive response to their regular performancesas one of the five acts on the live show "Stars in Concert" at the Estrel Show Theatre. The two artists, who have been on international stages as "Soul Brothers" for many years, have long since become audience favourites. As producer Bernhard Kurz says: "The fans are wild with excitement about their presentation, so it was clear that they both needed their own show!".


If you are yet to be convinced, see the video teaser HERE!


Im a Soul Man A Tribute to The Blues Brothers



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Guest performance: Monika Lewis-Schmidt as Aretha Franklin 

Monica Lewis-Schmidt comes from Ohio/ USA and is known all over the world as a singer in major musical and theater productions, including Porgy and Bess, Vanqui, The Life Story of Mahalia Jackson and Westside Story. Monica has appeared as a soloist in the New York and Berlin Philharmonics. She has played the role of Motormouth Maybelle in the musical Hairspray, toured with Sara Connor, appeared on opera stages in Berlin, Vienna, Helsinki and Norway, chorused on Mariah Carey's Christmas special- All I want for Christmas is you, and she was chorus lady for a full set football stadium during the opening of the fifa world cup 2006 with none other than Shakira and Wyclif Jean! In 2018, Monica Lewis Schmidt thrilled the jury in "The Voice of Germany" with her performance of Aretha Franklin's "Respect". 


 Here a short clip from her performance on "The Voice of Germany" - official 


Monica Lewis Schmidt


Monica L S Aretha Franklin     monica schmidt fotobox aretha franklin


For those wishing to have dinner before the show, we offer:

Dinner (salmon) + dessert and coffee, kr. 295,-
Dinner (pork fillet) + dessert and coffee, kr. 295,-

* all prices are Norwegian Kroner


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Read more and watch video clips about our next shows this year (2022):

2.- 4. Juni: ABBA & Boney M - A Tribute to ABBA & Boney M      
4.-6. August: All You Need Is Love - The Beatles Musical
22.-24. September: It`s All Musical
17.-19. November: Stars In Concert Christmas Special





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