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5 reasons to stay at Lærdal Holiday and Leisure Park
Outdoors adventures at the magnificent Sognefjord.
Plenty of culture & activities f.ex. at our new Lærdal Showtheater.
Short driving distance to attractions, highlights and activities in the entire region.
Accommodations in all price categories-camping, motel, apartments and cabins.
Excellent facilities including restaurant, sport equipment`s rental station and the Motorikpark™.
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Let us introduce you Lærdal Holiday and Leasure park at the picturesque Sognefjord!
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Winter at the Sognefjord
Also in the winter, the Sognefjord is a fantastic holiday destination with a lot of exciting activities!
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Hikers`paradise in Lærdal
Welcome to unforgettable holidays in the beautiful Sognefjord region!