Rental station for sports equipment

Lærdal is a perfect destination for those who want an active holiday. We can offer exceptional conditions within several activities, and quality equipment for all age groups that give you the best experience of Lærdal & Sognefjorden. 


We have the following equipment for hire

  • Hybrid bike
  • Road-/Racing bike
  • Childrens bike (only on request)
  • Mountain bike (only on request)
  • Tandem bike (only on request)
  • Gokarts

Order your perfect bike before arrival so that we can prepare it for you:


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Bike rental and service station.

Would you like to explore the beautiful valley of Lærdal on a smooth rolling bike? Our rental and service station offers many types of modern and safe bicycles. Ask the front desk for bike trails and insider`s tips. Follow the link and reserve a bike today!


Racing Bikes

Race like a professional! Our racing bikes come from the Top brands like Pinarello, Colnago or Merida. One of the racing bikes we offer,  is Pinarello Dogma 65.1. Exactly this model has been used by the Tour de France winners 10 times!

Here for booking & more informations


Kids Bikes

The children will of course also join in! Experience Lærdalsdalen and the view over the Sognefjord with the whole family

Our kids` bikes are coming from the well known brands like Merida Mountainbikes and Atala Racing Bikes.

Here for booking & more informations


Family Pedal Bikes

Another exciting activity we offer is a ride on a family pedal bike! 

Experience Lærdalsdalen and the view of the Sognefjord with the whole family on a family go-kart / family go-kart!

A very popular and fun activity for young and old!

Here for booking & more informations


Mountain Bikes

Want to explore the terrain in the area? Our mountain bikes from Trenga and Merida roll easily, have good equipment and comfortable frames for great tours in our area.

Our mountain bikes from the brands "Trenga" and "Merida" are comfortable and safe.

Here for booking & more informations

5 reasons to stay at Lærdal Holiday and Leisure Park

  • Outdoors adventures at the magnificent Sognefjord.

  • Plenty of culture & activities f.ex. at our new Lærdal Showtheater.

  • Short driving distance to attractions, highlights and activities in the entire region.

  • Accommodations in all price categories-camping, motel, apartments and cabins.

  • Excellent facilities including restaurant, sport equipment`s rental station and the Motorikpark™.

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