Stand Up Show with 5 comedians on saturday 21. august 2021 at 20:00 in the tent!

stand up show hill events

We have listened to our costumers earlier this summer, where many wanted to see a stand up show. 

With this we are delighted to present the first Stand Up Show in the tent with 5 comedians on stage! 

Buy tickets here!


About the comedians:



Gudmund Husdal

Gudmund HusdalWith all due respect, Gudmund has more past than future. He's a wordsmith of sorts, thinking things you'd never think of thinking about, and you'll agree!

Gudmund makes the laughter resound loudly where he performs. The oldest of the evening, the laughing man has no age limit either. 











Andreas Bach

Andreas BachAndreas Bach gives a lot of himself, and his life has taken many paths. Detours like dead ends and he always comes out of it alive and we love it.











Jon Hægland

Jon HæglandJon Hægland is the world's sharpest Osing.

With an eye for detail and a wonderful mood, Jon is the show's emcee, and will lead the entire party. Jon has been a comedian for a number of years and has performed all over the country. Now it is Lærdal that applies to him. 











Per Owe Helle

Per Owe HellePer Owe Helle is a hard-working comedian, and a rising star in the industry. Per Owe has a sense of humor where lovely punches come as close as hail. He needs 2 seconds to sum up everything he does right in life, the rest of the time is spent putting out fires about everything he does wrong. You will definitely like this comedian. 










Raymond Falldalen

Raymond FalldalenRaymond Falldalen is a comedian who has a solid collection of self-irony. The humor is recognisable. Raymond looks at the society around him and takes himself the hardest. Raymond is on comedy stages all over the country, such as Latter in Oslo, Ricks in Bergen, and Folken in Stavanger. He is the author of the humor novel "Fine Nykker Og Et Nakkedrag" and he is a humor columnist in Transportmagasinet. You will recognize yourself here, and Raymond is looking forward to coming to Lærdal!







We are excited for our first Stand Up Show in the tent, buy your tickets here!



5 reasons to stay at Lærdal Holiday and Leisure Park

  • Outdoors adventures at the magnificent Sognefjord.

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  • Short driving distance to attractions, highlights and activities in the entire region.

  • Accommodations in all price categories-camping, motel, apartments and cabins.

  • Excellent facilities including restaurant, sport equipment`s rental station and the Motorikpark™.

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