Hedler - Mjølkeflaten - Stødno

Mjølkeflaten is an open area close to the city center with good hiking trails and a beautiful view of the Sognefjord, Lærdalselva and Lærdalsøyri. The trip starts in Hedler and leads you to Stødno. Here you will find, old farm-houses and cattle pastures. 

In places like this, cows used to be milked outside. During the Second World War, German soldiers built bunkers here, where they had a good view of the fjord. Several of the traditional paths are now marked hiking trails. Here are some examples of hikes starting in Hedler.




Hedler - Mjølkeflaten
Duration: 30 min.
Length/Height: 0,9 km / 95m
This trip is well suited for families with small children. After the bridge, turn left towards the Fjord and Hedler. The path then turns to the right and gies through the forest to Mjølkeflaten. When it's wet it can be slippery in some places! 

Hedler - Mjølkeflaten - Stødno - City Center
Duration: 1,5h. 
Length/Height: 5,8 km / 95m
Round trip: Hedler Mjølkeflaten - Stødno – city center. From Mjølkeflaten you can continue to the farm at Stødno. The tour goes over Svaberg. From Stødno continue up to the hill to Øyabrui. From there, a path runs along the river and back to the centre. 

Hedler - Mjølkeflaten – Jektesanden
Duration: 1h. 

Length/Height: 2,2 Km / 95m

The tour first starts from Mjølkeflaten. From here, follow the signs to Jektesanden. On the way down to the fjord, you can take a trip up to the bunkers built by German soldiers during the WW2. The fjord once reached as far as Jektesanden. On the way back down, we also recommend a short stop at "Huldrestova". 




 Download map and descriptions. 

5 reasons to stay at Lærdal Holiday and Leisure Park

  • Outdoors adventures at the magnificent Sognefjord.

  • Plenty of culture & activities f.ex. at our new Lærdal Showtheater.

  • Short driving distance to attractions, highlights and activities in the entire region.

  • Accommodations in all price categories-camping, motel, apartments and cabins.

  • Excellent facilities including restaurant, sport equipment`s rental station and the Motorikpark™.

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