Koret - Seltåsen - Galdane

During the round trip Koret - Seltåsen - Galdane you walk on two different types of roads: King's Road from the 1790s and its successor, the Bergenske Hovedvej from the 1840s. At the same time, you pass beautiful waterfalls, old homesteads, mythical places, German military installations and of course: the famous Lærdal River (Lærdalselva). 



Duration: 3,5 - 4,5h

Distance: 8,6 km

Difficulty: Medium

Suitable for: Everyone


You can start at Koret in the west and walk "Bergenske Hovedvej" up to Sjurhaugen and from there to Galdane and Seltun, before walking along the footpath along E-16 back to the starting point Koret. Or start at Sjurhaugen in the east and walk the King's Road section Galdane, down to Seltun, footpath along E-16 up to Koret, and Bergenske Hovedvej back to the starting point Sjurhaugen. Both sites have parking, benches, toilets and facilities for disposing of rubbish. There are also tables at Koret. Remember that Bergenske Hovedvej is not marked as a King's Road. The road is nevertheless signposted, cleared and it is easily visible where you are going.  


The text is taken from: Visitkongevegen.no 

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5 reasons to stay at Lærdal Holiday and Leisure Park

  • Outdoors adventures at the magnificent Sognefjord.

  • Plenty of culture & activities f.ex. at our new Lærdal Showtheater.

  • Short driving distance to attractions, highlights and activities in the entire region.

  • Accommodations in all price categories-camping, motel, apartments and cabins.

  • Excellent facilities including restaurant, sport equipment`s rental station and the Motorikpark™.

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