
From the hiking trail up to Oftedalen there is a beautiful view over the Sognefjord and to the east over the valley. The area is rich in sunshine and has an interesting cultural history. There are many viewpoints along the way. ATTENTION! The hiking trails towards Oftedalen are traditional trails up to the mountain pastures that are still in use today! The area is still gazed by flocks of sheep. Therefore, hikers are asked to keep dogs on a leash and close the gates behind them. 



Ofta - Øvre Vangen
Duration: 30 min

Length/ Height: 0,7 km / 175 m

The path passes Nedre Vangen, Midtvangen and Øvre Vangen. All these 3 places were formerly used as pastures. The name "Vang" originally means meadow. Øvre Vangen is a relatively large, flat area with great views. You can also see both Lærdalsfjorden and down into the valley towards Tønjum. The trip up takes about 30 minutes. 

Ofta - Løberg

The continuation of the track to Løberg is somewhat steeper than the first section to Øvre Vangen. Up towards Løberg, you pass Begald and Likhella, among others, before finally reaching Løberg. The Løberg area was previously used as a hay meadow. Get off the path in Løberg and continue into the valley to the Løberghaugen viewpoint. The trip there takes about 1 hour in total. 

Ofta – Oftedalen

Duration: 2h

Length / Height: 3,4 km / 780

Further, a marked hiking trail runs from Løberg to Liastølen or over the bridge to Oftedalsstølen. Oftedalsstølen is still used as summer pasture for many farms in Nedre Lærdal. After the bridge flap, cross the bridge and continue up the hill for about 15 minutes to Oftedalen/ Oftedalsstølen. The trip there takes about 2 hours in total. 



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5 reasons to stay at Lærdal Holiday and Leisure Park

  • Outdoors adventures at the magnificent Sognefjord.

  • Plenty of culture & activities f.ex. at our new Lærdal Showtheater.

  • Short driving distance to attractions, highlights and activities in the entire region.

  • Accommodations in all price categories-camping, motel, apartments and cabins.

  • Excellent facilities including restaurant, sport equipment`s rental station and the Motorikpark™.

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